Logo Usage

The Unum logo is a visual representation of our brand. It is what people will see and connect with first. Since it is important to have a strong, unified brand, please use our logo with care. If you should have any questions about its use, please contact us. When making use of our logo, be sure to follow the guidelines as outlined in our brand policies.

Logo with ® symbol

The Unum logo must contain the registered symbol.

Unum Color Variations

The Unum logo should be in full color over a white background for the most impact and clarity. When that is not possible, white or a dark background, black over a light background, or white over a photo are options. See examples provided. Clarity and contrast are key.

Use the “Better benefits at work” tagline on all printed marketing collateral.

default Unum logo
dark Unum logo
blue Unum logo on white
default Unum logo on image

Unum Logo Sizing

The logo minimum size should not be smaller than one inch wide in a printed design with and without the tagline. This should be measured by the width of the Unum logo. In exceptional circumstances, smaller sizes for print may be necessary (e.g. on event merchandise). In such cases, legibility should always be your top priority — always ensure the ® symbol is clearly visible.

The minimum size for a digital logo should be 24px tall without the tagline. With the tagline, the height should be a minimum of 40px.


default Unum logo one inch wide
default Unum logo one inch wide with tagline


default Unum logo 24px tall
default Unum logo 40px tall

Unum Logo Clear Space

The logo should have a clear space the size of one and a half Unum dots with and without the brand tagline.

default Unum logo
default Unum logo with tagline

Usage of the Unum "U"

The "u" with the dot will not be used separately from the Unum brand or in any other capacity other than the "We've Got You" campaign styling.

Improper Usage

Do not use the logo in the following ways:

Do not change color

Do not skew

Do not stretch

Do not change dot size

Do not create pattern

Do not use as relief